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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
All About the Cupcake! Who has the best in town?
Where are you from and who has the best cupcakes in town? Let us know! Why do you like them so much? Is it the icing, the way they are decorated or the cake part itself? Whats your fave flavor?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Let the STAND speak- Cupcakes!
Whether it's a children's themed birthday party or a classy wedding, these days people are in love- It's a cupcake craze. Why not fabulousize (yes I made that one up) your cupcakes with a super cool handmade cupcake stand. Gotta love 'em. And the best part, I can create to fit within almost all budgets. You tell me the theme and I create a rough sketch and after approval the creation process begins. Definitely will be the talk of your party.
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Add a lil' rockstar vintage flair to your child's wardrobe!
Looking for some rockin' cute fall/winter fashion? Want your little rock star to embrace the vintage era? Rowdy Sprouts clothing has some of the cutest and hippest tshirts (long and short), dresses, onsies, and more for your cutte kid. Bands like The Beetles, Pink Floyd, The Who, ACDC, Ozzy Ozborne, Elvis, Jimi Henrix, and sooooo many more. Pair these super cute tops with some stone or vintage wash jeans and let him/her be the star of the show. I just had to share these super cute shirts with y'all. Check out their website at
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Santa- a figment of your imagination or so says a 5 yr old!
Pretty straight forward, yet shocking title right? So, what do you say when your five year old comes home and tell you that Santa is all in your imagination??? "Who ever told you such a thing?", "Santa in my imagination....impossible- who else will bring you presents?", " Sooooo, which little snotty nose kid told you that today; last week it was there was monsters in your closet and you couldn't sleep for days now this week- Santa isn't real....oh I've gotta meet this little kid." Despite your reaction or response, children will only believe what you embed into their little minds. Decide on a solid story, build on a memory, and create happiness most of all. Allow your children to enjoy the commercial side of Christmas, but never forgetting the reason for the season. It's a joyous time of year and remember when your kids comes home asking you is Santa real... and start with the who,what,when, and where- be ready, be on point, be believable!
Tell us a funny story when your little one found out Santa wasn't "real"!
Tell us a funny story when your little one found out Santa wasn't "real"!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Purchase Your Mami So Chis Products @ Crave
The holidays are near and gift giving so dear! Check out Mami So Chic at Crave in the Pierre Bossier Mall in Bossier City, LA. There's an array of premade diaper cakes and decor, gift sets, tooth fairy pillows, travel wipe cases, burp cloths, pacifier links and more. You may custom order items as well. Don't forget you can order custom items directly from our website at Choose Mami So Chic for your baby and todder gift giving!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Halloween Special
Order a 3 piece set (wipe case, burp cloth, and pacifier link) btw October 17-31 and get in this special offer- regular $40 sale $30.(Shipping additonal) To purchase send email to and message code HALLOWEEN3. I will then create a custom orfer for you on Your choice of fabric.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
When Life Throws Us Lemons...make a lemonade stand!
When life has its way of throwing us lemons- I say get some super cute fabric and make aprons, get a glass pitcher, some water, and sugar. Combine with those lemons and make a profit from it! Making something positive out of what you thought was nagative. Be inspired. Be creative. Be you!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Website is back up!
Just wanted to let everyone know that the website is back live. I do apologize for your patience. My computer is in the shop, but as soon as I get it back up and running I will be updating it with new items.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Baby Showers with a Bang!
Baby Showers are our way of congratulating mommy (daddy) to be. This is a very exciting moment in their lives, so why not make it FAB and OVER the top! From handmade invitations and favors to elborate diaper cakes and centerpieces. Table setting and decor- super simple or over the top and more. The cake design, the hosting, the games, and more- finger foods you request or sit down dinner are just a few things in store. Allow Mami So Chic to host and/or plan your next baby shower. Serving the Shreveport/Bossier City and surrounding areas. Email for further details and pricing.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Entering into the Spirit of Halloween
October is almost here and out comes the ghostly, haunting, shivering halloween decor. Pumpkins patches, hay rides, apple bobbing, hot chocolate, candy corn galore. Spooky ghosts, costumes, skeletons, and so much more. Get into the spirit- its fun fun fun. Create a one of a kind costume- enter the contest, run home with a prize best costume- you've won! Show us your spirit and post pics to our site- for we'd get a kick out of your costumes, come on we won't bite. but send all festive photos to
Happy Haunting for goodies and treats throughout the season!
Happy Haunting for goodies and treats throughout the season!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Back To School!

As mothers, we look forward to that first day of school. Our chilren are big balls of energy ready to released as they embark on a new year. How fun and exciting!
Be involved in your child's education journey. Encourage him or her to try their hardest and be their best.Support their needs and desires.
Get to know your childs teacher. She really isn't as intimidating as she looks from afar. Show her you care with a little treat from Mami So Chic.
Be involved in your child's education journey. Encourage him or her to try their hardest and be their best.Support their needs and desires.
Get to know your childs teacher. She really isn't as intimidating as she looks from afar. Show her you care with a little treat from Mami So Chic.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Social Networking Icons
I am sooo super excited I finally was able to get some coordinating social networking icones created to match the NEW website. Thanks to my friend D.Strong. If you read this thanks sooooo much- they are awesome. I look forward to loading my new favicon as well. Yaay! The site is building up slowly but surely. Please be patient as we get it together! If you haven't visited, please do and don't forget to sign our guestbook!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Operartion Pirate Party- success
Birthday party weekend! It was a huge success! Can't wait to post photos. Hopeveryone have an awesome week.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Super weekend ahead of me!
I am so looking foward to this weekend! Our son is turing 5! Wow time surely flies by before out very eyes. We are throwing him one awesome swashbuckling b ash! Pirates here, pirates there, little pirates everywhere. Super excited. They'll be walking the plank, jumpin in the fun house, running in search of their pirate attire in the treasure hunt, taking a break for face painting! So much to do! Can't wait.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
New website soon to launch
Be on the lookout for our brand new wesite! We are so excited by the new layout and features! We will announce our launch date soon!
Monday, May 17, 2010
New Website- New Giveaways- New Attitude
Get ready for the launch of the new site in the upcoming week! It will come stocked with lots of new patterns, products, giveaways, and much more. What new things are you interested in from Mami So Chic?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Website under construction
Please be advised beginning today May 11, 2010 our website will be down for site reconstruction. Our new site will be available very soon. Thank you for your patience. So excited for the new site- customers will be able to purchase their Mami SO Chic products directly from the site. We will have lots of new features. Be on the lookout- until then you can view the old website at
Be advised the link to will not work while we are in the transition of sites.
Be advised the link to will not work while we are in the transition of sites.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Things going on for Mami So Chic!
Ther are quite a few things in the making.
* The winner of our facebook refer a friend for March contest was Xiomara Roman-Torres. Thanks for sending your firends our way Xiomi!
* The raffle for the Dipae rTub is still going on at Premier Pediatrics in Longview, TX. Pleas go purchase a ticket! All proceeds go to Relay for Life. So support a great cause.
* We will be looking for a mommy/baby model duo to show off our products in photos. More details will come forth soon.
* The winner of our facebook refer a friend for March contest was Xiomara Roman-Torres. Thanks for sending your firends our way Xiomi!
* The raffle for the Dipae rTub is still going on at Premier Pediatrics in Longview, TX. Pleas go purchase a ticket! All proceeds go to Relay for Life. So support a great cause.
* We will be looking for a mommy/baby model duo to show off our products in photos. More details will come forth soon.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Facebook fan contest
Remember the facebook refer a fan contest is still going on till March 31st. Be sure to make sure your friend let us know you referred them! Prize for the most referred fans_ a custom travel wipes case or clutch!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
New Hand Painted Items
We will be introducing some new items soon. We have some hand painted items as well as some spring fabric patterns. We also have the refer a friend contest going on now until March 31st. Exciting gift give away with that contest. Mami So Chic is so looking forward to making ourselves present in the longview texas community! Thanks for all of our customer support!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Are you a facebook fan?
Are you a facebook fan? If not check us out and refer your friends. This is a great time to do so... you could win a custom travel wipes case or a clutch for thoseof you that don't have children. And thats not the best part. You can choose the fabric you would like.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Are you a Fan?
Join us on our Facebook Fan Page or on our Myspace page ( We look forward to hearing from you!
Spring Fever!
The Spring time is almost here and many of us will be out and about in the stores, social gatherings, and more. The perfect time to be seen. Be sure to go out in style with some Mami So Chic baby accessories. For the upcoming Spring season we have a lot of things going on! We have the ACS- Relay for like Donation/ Raffle, we will be having a contest to see who can send the most friends our way on our facebook fan page (prize TBD), Introduction of our Spring Line of items and new Items presented, we have a new face on board so we will also introduce her as well. We are so excited about all of the new things in this near future! Remember order Mami So Chic!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Diaper Cakes Galore!
Check out our site for new updates on our Diaper Cake Line! The new name for our diapers cakes will soon be announced along with the logo! We are very excited about this at Mami So Chic! Also, if you reside in the Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana area check out our items at Crave located in the Pierre Bossier Mall.
Below are some of our newest creations. These are small diapers cakes with BIG attitude and style. "Rocka' My Baby!", "Born To Hunt!", & "Born A Princess" are all SUPER cute diaper cakes and will be available to purchase at Crave!

Below are some of our newest creations. These are small diapers cakes with BIG attitude and style. "Rocka' My Baby!", "Born To Hunt!", & "Born A Princess" are all SUPER cute diaper cakes and will be available to purchase at Crave!

Other great news is that we are donating a Diaper tub keepsake to a pediatrics clinic in Longview, Texas in an effort to raise money for Relay for Life foundation! We are hoping that this will turn out a success. We will post information on the clinics location and such where raffle tickets can be purchased. Photos of the keepsake will be posted soon as well.
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