Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thoughts of the day!

I am planning a wedding and trying to get a business off the ground, being a stay at home mom of 3 plus 1 (my nephew lives with me), and well to put it bluntly... I am DOG tired. But I cannot slack in any of these areas of my life. There just comes a time in life when if feels as though you just need a break and thats most certainly what I need right now. No one realizes the extent of what I need. Not even those that live in the same hosuehold as me. I feel as if I continue to give, give, give in all areas of life and NEVER get anythin gin return, not that I expect it, but still. I guess it's just expected for me to GIVE.

SO how about that Hillary? She didn't do half bad on her speech at the DNC. I was actually interested in what she had to say. I think she actualy could have convinced her supporters to support Barrack. And this crazy thing flooding the news about the plot to asassinate him. CRAZY idiots. I mean really these guys look like they were so strung out... I mean could they really think straight enough to try to do something like that.

As much as I want Obama to be our president. I honestly fear for his life because I really believe he will be asassinated. Before long. Because there are too many people out there that HATE the idea of a "black" president. Racism is not dead. That sucks.

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