Wednesday, December 3, 2008
In Touch
So lately I have been sobusy that I really haven't had time to do much at all online. My products are sold exclusively at Baby Cravings Boutique I Bossier City, LA. It's located in Pierre Bossier Mall. I am so excited. Life is good and I am living my dream. I have so much new stuff to add to mysite but right now my priority is in creating for the store. If anyone wants anything custom... just email me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mami So Chic Gift Sets
The holidays are quickly approaching us and I am in the market to promote my gift sets. These gift sets include a boutique style travel wipes case, burp cloth, travel size changing mat, and a paci clip/ saver. These sets are pre-made on my website ( but custom orders are more than welcome. I am looking forward to creating many more. These make great baby shower gifts as well. Great for a mother to be or a mother of an infant or toddler. Definitely a mommy must have!
Samples are shown.
Diaper Cakes
Lately I have been a bit busy and haven't been keeping up with my blog as I should... I wanted to introduce diaper cakes into Mami So Chic and so far I've had 4 orders for them and I must say that I am pretty proud of the finished products. Two were ordered from an old high school friend (back when I lived in Germany) that lives in Maryland. One was a Hollywood- A Star is born theme and the other Noah's Ark theme. Both were for little boys! Check them out! My mind and hands at work. I am so excited and love to create these diaper cakes especially when given the freesom to create what I want with a given theme at hand! How exciting. I look forward to many more orders. Destination- anywhere. These are safely and properly packaged to be shipped to any state!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Great things come to those who wait!
Wow it's been a minute since I have posted. I have been super busy! My goodness. I've got lots of new products I will be showcasing on my site. My lastest greatest pieces that I am so proud of is the diaper cake I made for a friend. Love it. SHe told me it was for a boy and the theme was "A Star is Born" Hollywood. She loved it. I'm so happy because I worked hard on it.
Lots of great things are happening for me and I couldn't be more thrilled about it all. I went have a little meeting with a rep from Red River Moms magazine and will have an ad put in their magazine for the next 12 months. I am so excited. Things are going soooo fast for me. Hopefully the sales will pick up. 
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I just left someone without a sale! Poor them- YEAH ME!
I'm so proud of myself! I was about to pay about 50 bucks to create some hangtags for my products; when I told myslef try to make some on yourself. And I did and they came out GREAT! I am soo happy and excited! I saved myself a good chunk of money. Now I will try to create the other few things I need. With a little time and patience with myself and this computer that tends to make yme feel a little less smart.. Ican accomplish MOST things! LOL I just put someone out of a sale from myself! LOL
Everyone can see this journal post.
Everyone can see this journal post.
WOO HOO my new business card!
Modern Mami Episodes- The Case of a frustrated WOMAN!
One frustrated Modern Mami.... Why do we as women always seem to want to know or have an answer to everything. This creates frustration in our lives. I mean it's like we are telling frustration " Come on in baby and lets dine" We need to learn to leave well enough alone. We always want to know why when really we KNOW good and well we don't REALLy want to know WHY because it's going to leave us frustrated and it will have to be taken out by cursing some old lady out cause she driving too damn slow why old people still have licenses after a certain age i don't know, telling the customer in Wa-Mart thats counting his change to hurry his ass up cause you ready to go, whipping some childs butt cause they just can't seem to shut their mouth when you tell them too or planning revenge on your man cause his ass is the reason you frustrated to begin with because he either told you the answer to your WHY or lied through his big ass teeth. Ohhh ladies lets not cause frustration in our lives that so unnecessary. Lets not ALWAYS want to know and gotta know everything. Why are the kids acting so crazy? Why did you give them candy when its dinner time? Why didn't you pick that trach off the table? Why didn't you walk the way I wanted you to? Why did you park your car over there... you never park there? Why didn't you answer the phone when I called? Why do you have on different shirt? Why were you 2 minutes late? Why is that one piece of hair sticking up amongst the rest? Why did you wipe your ass like that? OK OK Why don't you just shut the heck up and stop asking why. Sometimes we as women get caught up in the small stuff that we shouldn't really be worried about. Worry about the things that really matter in your life. Prioritize all those WHY's and maybe just maybe we won't end up a frustrated mami like this woman.
Modern Mom Episodes- Shopping Post Pregnancy
Today the Mod Mami decides she will do all that she can to go to the mall with her girlfriends and atttempt to find some post baby clothes.WOOOO HOOOO! We are all just so excited for out trip to the mall MINUS the children. I am in attempt to find those perfect few outfits. Store number one... OKKK so my friends DO realize I just had a baby... does it look like I want to be in Victoira's Secret or Fredrick's of Hollywood.. C'Mon now. DO yall not see all this freaking flubber??!! Ok store number 2... BEBE Ummm yall do they have any plus sizes in here. HELL NO! Why are we in here? This is suppose to be the trip where yall help me find some clothes I can actually fit in and look good. These heffas making me mad now. LOL But I keep me cool. Store number 3.... Cache'.... WHHHHAATTTTTTT??? I think they ae doing this on pupose. They are plotting something on me.... Store 3 Juicy Couture, Store 4 Prada..... Ohh these heffas must be about to but me something cause I knwo I can't afford any of this butt ohhh I am loving that Prada handbag and mathcing shoes..... Store 5 Banana Republic... OKKK I am done. Going home cause these heffas pissing me off.. DO they have any fat girl stores in this damn mall. They are shopping for them not me. I'm mad. OKKK I need to take the lead... "Listen yall if the store does not carry a 14W then I don;'t want to be there. COMPREND! Good. Old Navy, Lane Bryant, Ashley Stewart, Nordstrom, Now we talking ladies.... Lesson learned STAY AWAY FROM SKINNY FRIENDS WHEN SHOPPING IF YOU KNOW YOU NEED PLUS SIZE STORES> LOL Not hating on the skinny girls.... hey what did Monique say " Just keep on making me laugh, and forget those skinny witches cause us big girls has it going on too." and Skinny girls can't be trusted! AND Skinny Women Can't be Trusted! LOL (Just Kidding) But she DID say that!
Modern Mom Episodes- Trip to Grocery Store

Mommy's trip to the grocery store goes something like this. Ok what do I need. Crap I forgot the list in the car, but I can't go back. Too much trouble with all these kids. I think I can remember what I needed. Kidsss get over here. In the buggy. Billy leave your sisiter alone now. You are too old to be picking with here. Produce last. Going through the aisles. "STOP TOUCHING STUFF!" These stinking kids. Why couldn't my husband keep them for me to come here alone. At least I would have had a piece of mind. I need this and that. "MOMMY CAN I HAVE THIS PLEASEEEEEE PLEASEEEEE PLEASEEEE" OK OK just be quiet. WOOOOSHHHHH. Oh God what was that. BBBBBIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY get over here right now. Billy just knocked down the entire display of canned goods. My God I can't pick all of that up. Next aisle condiments, next aisle cereal. Oh myyy little Mike opened the ketchup and is squirting it in Jills hair. Ok I'm fed up its time to go.. forget about these grocheries. I'll come another time by myself. Lets go kids. Then all of a sudden my legs aren't standing anymore. I'm flat on my behind. That lil Mike squited ketchup everywhere and I just slipped in it. OHHHHHHHHH I am about to pull out my hair. But ohh no I'm SUPER MOM I can handle it.Bullcrap!
Modern Mom Episodes by MOI!

So, ladies I am sure you are able to relate to the modern day mother. She looks like that woman sitting indian style with about 10 arms and legs with a different responsibility hanging from each limb. (Taaadaaa I actually found an image of her above!) Crazy looking, but she operates like the energizer bunny... she keeps going, going, and going. I can relate to her because so many days I feel as if I am her. Thinking... what next..... ok I need to wake the kids, make the beds, change the diapers... wait wait was hubbys lunch made for work does he have a good breakfast prepared, ok back to the kids, change their clothes, plan activities that should have been planned last night but oh i was just way too tired, change some more diapers, clean up any messes, vaccuum, laundry, lunch, prepare dinner, run any and all errands, pay bills, put kids for nap, NEVER get a break, wait did i ever get dressed and comb my hair. LOL Thats half the day of todays modern mom. And Lord if she has a job outside of home. God Bless her soul. If you have a topic you would like me to write about in the next coming adventure please do share.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Goodbye Hurricane Gustav!
So... I haven't written in a few days due to Hurricane Gustav. Although I am located in Northern Louisiana, all of my immediate family are located in Southern Louisiana and had direct hits/ effects from the Hurricane. I've had 5 additional people in my home for the past week. Today they left to go assess their damages. They are going back to no electricty or water so it's a scary thought. They have a generator at hand so hopefully things aren't too bad and they are able to use it.
I've gone through this that's why I relocated to Northern LA. We lost all of our possessions in Katrina/Rita. I refused to allow that to happen again so relocation was my choice.
But anyway, it's been a while since there's no one in my house except MY family. It's pretty quiet and calm. I will not complain at that, although don't get me wrong I love to entertain. I've just been tired.
So, back to work making baby accessories. I've gotten a hold of more supplies so on to creating I must go. The website is getting a fair amount of hits, but no purchases yet. Once I get my business cards printed and brochures and begin to pass things out I am sure to get some feedback.
I'm completely frazled as to why John McCain chose Palin as his running mate. That woman has way too much going on in her personal life to even think about running for VP. I mean really. WAYYY too much. How ever will she be a mother with the issues of the U.S. at hand. To me it's a little selfish because she will not be able to be a "MOTHER" to children that REALLY need her. But it's whatever.
I've gone through this that's why I relocated to Northern LA. We lost all of our possessions in Katrina/Rita. I refused to allow that to happen again so relocation was my choice.
But anyway, it's been a while since there's no one in my house except MY family. It's pretty quiet and calm. I will not complain at that, although don't get me wrong I love to entertain. I've just been tired.
So, back to work making baby accessories. I've gotten a hold of more supplies so on to creating I must go. The website is getting a fair amount of hits, but no purchases yet. Once I get my business cards printed and brochures and begin to pass things out I am sure to get some feedback.
I'm completely frazled as to why John McCain chose Palin as his running mate. That woman has way too much going on in her personal life to even think about running for VP. I mean really. WAYYY too much. How ever will she be a mother with the issues of the U.S. at hand. To me it's a little selfish because she will not be able to be a "MOTHER" to children that REALLY need her. But it's whatever.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thoughts of the day!
I am planning a wedding and trying to get a business off the ground, being a stay at home mom of 3 plus 1 (my nephew lives with me), and well to put it bluntly... I am DOG tired. But I cannot slack in any of these areas of my life. There just comes a time in life when if feels as though you just need a break and thats most certainly what I need right now. No one realizes the extent of what I need. Not even those that live in the same hosuehold as me. I feel as if I continue to give, give, give in all areas of life and NEVER get anythin gin return, not that I expect it, but still. I guess it's just expected for me to GIVE.
SO how about that Hillary? She didn't do half bad on her speech at the DNC. I was actually interested in what she had to say. I think she actualy could have convinced her supporters to support Barrack. And this crazy thing flooding the news about the plot to asassinate him. CRAZY idiots. I mean really these guys look like they were so strung out... I mean could they really think straight enough to try to do something like that.
As much as I want Obama to be our president. I honestly fear for his life because I really believe he will be asassinated. Before long. Because there are too many people out there that HATE the idea of a "black" president. Racism is not dead. That sucks.
SO how about that Hillary? She didn't do half bad on her speech at the DNC. I was actually interested in what she had to say. I think she actualy could have convinced her supporters to support Barrack. And this crazy thing flooding the news about the plot to asassinate him. CRAZY idiots. I mean really these guys look like they were so strung out... I mean could they really think straight enough to try to do something like that.
As much as I want Obama to be our president. I honestly fear for his life because I really believe he will be asassinated. Before long. Because there are too many people out there that HATE the idea of a "black" president. Racism is not dead. That sucks.
What today?!!
Geez the day hasn't even began and I'm in such a DRAB mood. What the heck is going on? Ever feel confused with nothng to be confused over/ about? Well as crazy as it sounds that's how I feel today! I have tons of things on my agenda and feel as if not enough time to do it even though I am not on a time limit.
The children woke up today as if they were on some WIRED drug! LOL They have been going ba---zonkers! To say the least and they JUST woke up. Hopefully the breakfast will calm them down a bit and they will play with their toys and behave.
Baby Emma got her ears pierced yesterday. She did well and mybe now people won't ask if she's a boy even though she sits in an ALL PINK infant carrier and not only is it pink the cover is faux mink. Now I don't think it can be any more girly than that. People act retarded sometimes. Lately it seems that stupidism has become an epidemic. Its spreading rapidly so watch out!
SO making my products to sell has been great. I've been pretty productive. I enjoy doing what I do though although it is very time consuming. Hopefully I can get it out into the market and start selling well. A lady ut me on to some festivals in the area that I can start selling at. I thing I will attend the upcoming one to see what its all about. And go from there. I ordered my naming labels yesterday at a Fabric store. I felt accomplished. One little step toward this mile I am traveling. Today I need to create a business card and order some. Progress on my own website has been slow but I will get it done one of these days. Until then... ETSY is my life saver. Remember ORDER at
The children woke up today as if they were on some WIRED drug! LOL They have been going ba---zonkers! To say the least and they JUST woke up. Hopefully the breakfast will calm them down a bit and they will play with their toys and behave.
Baby Emma got her ears pierced yesterday. She did well and mybe now people won't ask if she's a boy even though she sits in an ALL PINK infant carrier and not only is it pink the cover is faux mink. Now I don't think it can be any more girly than that. People act retarded sometimes. Lately it seems that stupidism has become an epidemic. Its spreading rapidly so watch out!
SO making my products to sell has been great. I've been pretty productive. I enjoy doing what I do though although it is very time consuming. Hopefully I can get it out into the market and start selling well. A lady ut me on to some festivals in the area that I can start selling at. I thing I will attend the upcoming one to see what its all about. And go from there. I ordered my naming labels yesterday at a Fabric store. I felt accomplished. One little step toward this mile I am traveling. Today I need to create a business card and order some. Progress on my own website has been slow but I will get it done one of these days. Until then... ETSY is my life saver. Remember ORDER at
Monday, August 25, 2008
GOOO Obama!
Okay so Michelle Obama is my new role model. Did anyone hear her speak a the Democratic convention today! What a well spoken woman. And to say she wrote her OWN speech with VERY LITTLE help from the speech writing team. That's what I am talking about. So, why is it that she has been in the lime light the entire time with her hubby and I am just now figuring out that John McCain was even married. I thought he was an OLD single fart! LOL I guess not. But anyway back to Mrs. Obama... she speaks highly of her family. She showed Barak PROUD! Way to gooo.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
When Letting Go is the ONLY option!
I was reading through some old writings of mine and I came across this one that I thought I'd share with the world:
my blog today is When Letting Go Is The ONLY Option.
This applies to all areas of life. Do you ever feel as though some situations really have NO resolutions? As though you just can't try to make anything of it? That's when letting go is the ONLY option. There are many things that we can let go- a bad habit, a compulsive behavior, a friend, a lover, a job/career, or even family. It's just a part of life. It can take a toll on you... but that deep inside of your gut feeling just says LET GO and you know what else it tells us to LET GOD! When you have come to a point in your life where you know that letting go of that certain situation will give you sanity, recreate happiness in your life, relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, or even just give you a piece of mind.... Think about it... LET IT GO!
I read once that holding on can make you strong, but sometimes it is letting go that gives you REAL strength. I've decided fo the new year that I really need to LET GO of a lot of things that are holding me down. No matter how happy people and material possessions can make you at that one moment it doesn't last forever. That's a good feeling of right now... not the feelings you felt before or after that moment. I feel as though I've been living .... and that's just about all I have been doing. Yes, I have things and people in my life that makes me happy but because I have things that I need to LET GO of that happiness that I once had isn't radiant. It's just there momentarily.
So, if I can give any advice to those of you that may view this... reevaluate your lives and really see if you are happy... doesn't matter in what area of life... it can be in multiple areas... and think about what would make you happy. If it results in LETTING GO.. then do just that. LET GO!
my blog today is When Letting Go Is The ONLY Option.
This applies to all areas of life. Do you ever feel as though some situations really have NO resolutions? As though you just can't try to make anything of it? That's when letting go is the ONLY option. There are many things that we can let go- a bad habit, a compulsive behavior, a friend, a lover, a job/career, or even family. It's just a part of life. It can take a toll on you... but that deep inside of your gut feeling just says LET GO and you know what else it tells us to LET GOD! When you have come to a point in your life where you know that letting go of that certain situation will give you sanity, recreate happiness in your life, relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety, or even just give you a piece of mind.... Think about it... LET IT GO!
I read once that holding on can make you strong, but sometimes it is letting go that gives you REAL strength. I've decided fo the new year that I really need to LET GO of a lot of things that are holding me down. No matter how happy people and material possessions can make you at that one moment it doesn't last forever. That's a good feeling of right now... not the feelings you felt before or after that moment. I feel as though I've been living .... and that's just about all I have been doing. Yes, I have things and people in my life that makes me happy but because I have things that I need to LET GO of that happiness that I once had isn't radiant. It's just there momentarily.
So, if I can give any advice to those of you that may view this... reevaluate your lives and really see if you are happy... doesn't matter in what area of life... it can be in multiple areas... and think about what would make you happy. If it results in LETTING GO.. then do just that. LET GO!
A reason, A season, a lifetime
I am sending this to you to see how many actually read their comments.Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you.
Here goes: People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season . LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
I am sending this to you to see how many actually read their comments.Your response will be interesting. Pay attention to what you read. After you have finished reading it, you will know the reason it was sent to you.
Here goes: People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season . LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.
So, might I introduce myself. I'm Melanie a mother of 3. 3 wondefully over excited, rambuncous, loud, drive me crazy but I love them to death children. I have a 3 year old, SOON to be 2 year old, and a 7 month old. My son is the oldest. My middle child is satan on wheels. And my baby... well she does just what a baby is suppose to do... eat sleep cry poo.... and it constantly repeats itself.. well now she is learning the great skill of crawling so... I guess I should watch out!
I have lots of great stuff I can post on here. But Iwon't bore you any longer than I have to for now. So Toodle-e-doooo!
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