So, ladies I am sure you are able to relate to the modern day mother. She looks like that woman sitting indian style with about 10 arms and legs with a different responsibility hanging from each limb. (Taaadaaa I actually found an image of her above!) Crazy looking, but she operates like the energizer bunny... she keeps going, going, and going. I can relate to her because so many days I feel as if I am her. Thinking... what next..... ok I need to wake the kids, make the beds, change the diapers... wait wait was hubbys lunch made for work does he have a good breakfast prepared, ok back to the kids, change their clothes, plan activities that should have been planned last night but oh i was just way too tired, change some more diapers, clean up any messes, vaccuum, laundry, lunch, prepare dinner, run any and all errands, pay bills, put kids for nap, NEVER get a break, wait did i ever get dressed and comb my hair. LOL Thats half the day of todays modern mom. And Lord if she has a job outside of home. God Bless her soul. If you have a topic you would like me to write about in the next coming adventure please do share.
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